The Hill Medical’s subspecialized Breast Imaging doctors are thrilled to offer the area’s first and only FDA-cleared Artificial Intelligence software (AI) at all of our 3D tomosynthesis mammography centers. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a clinical software program that essentially serves as a second of eyes for the breast imaging radiologist reading your mammogram. The program rapidly analyzes each 3D image in the mammogram and alerts the physician to any suspicious areas that may warrant a closer look.
When paired with a subspecialized breast imaging radiologist and 3D imaging, AI software is clinical proven to:
- increase sensitivity to areas of breast changes by an average of 8%.
- increase specificity of breast cancer detection by an average of 6.9%.
- reduce recalls from screening mammography by an average of 7.2%, which in turn reduces costs and radiation.
AI in mammography is available to any patient having a 3D mammogram. The software program is a new and improved version of computer aided detection and is used on every 3D mammogram completed at our breast centers.
AI is covered in the cost of the 3D mammogram.
Every year over 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, affecting 1 in 8 women in the U.S. Women age 40 and older should have a yearly mammogram, regardless of whether it is 2D or 3D mammogram with AI. Mammography is the only test that has been shown in multiple studies to lower a woman’s risk of dying from breast cancer. In fact screening mammography reduces the mortality rate from breast cancer by as much as 30%, and women younger than 50 who are diagnosed have an increased risk of getting an aggressive form of breast cancer. While family history is an important risk factor to share with your doctor, many women do not realize that 75% of breast cancers diagnosed are in women with no family history.
It’s with these facts in mind that breast health experts and doctors agree that in the fight against breast cancer, early detection is the key to a much better chance of survival. With emerging technologies such as 3D imaging survival rates are going up and invasive cancers are being found at an earlier, more treatable stage.
301 W. Huntington Drive, Suite 617
Arcadia, CA 91007
Facility: (626) 701-5850
Scheduling: (626) 727-9474
625 S. Fair Oaks Ave, Suite 140
Pasadena, CA 91105
Facility: (213) 516-9776
Scheduling: (213) 908-2430
AI is offered at our breast imaging centers where 3D mammography is offered: