Radiologist high five with patient

You take the time to find the right doctor

You wouldn’t choose just any doctor or medical practice. Chances are you got recommendations, read reviews and even considered cost and location before selecting a doctor who could meet all your needs.

Shouldn’t you do the same when picking an imaging center? The technologists preforming the study, sophistication of technology used and the radiologists who read and interpret your test can make all the difference in a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

At the Huntington-Hill Imaging Centers you can rest assured you are getting the very best imaging care in the San Gabriel Valley:

Advanced Imaging Equipment

Backed by The Hill Medical Corporation and Huntington Health, our centers boast the latest and most advanced imaging equipment for greater accuracy, shorter scan times and better overall comfort.

Quick Turnaround

Results are available to you and your doctor within 2-3 days—unlike other centers which can take up to 2 weeks!

Competitive Pricing

We offer competitive pricing which can mean lower deductibles and co-pays, as well as affordability for the uninsured.

Highly Rated

Our centers are consistently and highly rated for the customer experience you deserve.

Advanced Subspecialty Training

Every study is read by Hill Medical doctors who have undergone some of the most advanced subspecialty training in the imaging field.

You have a choice when it comes to where to have your imaging tests performed.

If time and service are valuable to you, then Huntington-Hill Imaging Centers should be your first choice!
Try the Hill difference at Huntington-Hill Imaging Centers.

Call 626.698.7266
to schedule your imaging test.